Tuesday, January 31, 2023

How to Program a Three.js Laser Ring for a 3D Game

Three.js is a powerful JavaScript library that makes it easy to create 3D graphics in the browser. In this article, we will be covering how to create a program for 3D laser rings in a game using the Three.js library. Whether you're a seasoned game developer or just starting out, this guide will walk you through the steps of programming a laser ring in Three.js.

First, we'll start by setting up our Three.js scene. This includes setting up the camera, renderer, and scene variables. We'll also add the OrbitControls library to the scene, which will give us the ability to control the camera and move around the laser ring. Additionally, we'll add a grid helper to the scene, which will serve as a background to the laser ring.

Next, we'll create a spotlight with shadows, which will be used to light up the laser ring. We'll position the spotlight and add it to the scene

The next step is to create the laser ring. We'll start by defining the geometry and material of the ring. The geometry will consist of a torus with a radius of 0.5 and a tube of 0.05. The material will be a basic mesh material with a yellow color. After that, we'll position the laser ring in the center of the scene and add it to the scene.

Finally, we'll set up an animation function that will animate the laser ring. This function will scale the ring, move it along the Z-axis, and render the scene using the camera and renderer. If the laser ring moves past a certain point along the Z-axis, it will be reset to its original position and scale.

And that's it! You now have a 3D laser ring program in Three.js that you can use in your game. With a few tweaks, you can make this program as complex or as simple as you need it to be. The possibilities are endless!

In conclusion, Three.js is a fantastic tool for creating 3D graphics in the browser. With its simple API, it's easy to get started creating 3D laser rings in your game. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced game developer, the Three.js library is a great choice for your next project.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

How to Program a Three.js Comet Particle System with HTML and Javascript

In this article, we will explore how to create a comet effect in a 3D game using the Three.js particle system. Three.js is a JavaScript library that allows you to create and display 3D graphics in a web browser. The particle system in Three.js allows you to create a large number of small, individual particles that can be used to create interesting effects such as comets, explosions, and more.

How to Program a Three.js Comet Particle System

First, we define global variables that will be used throughout the code, including a scene, camera, renderer, and an array to hold the spheres. We then set up the Three.js scene and the camera, positioning it so that it is looking at the scene from the correct angle. We also set up the renderer and append it to the DOM so that it can be displayed on the screen.

Next, we set up the orbital controls, which allow the camera to rotate smoothly around the spheres. We also create a grid helper and add it to the scene, as well as a spotlight that will be used to illuminate the scene.

After that, we create a sphere and a particle system. We define the number of particles in the system, set their positions and colors randomly within a sphere-shaped area, and add them to the scene.

Finally, we group the sphere and particle system together and add it to the scene. We also create an animation loop that will update the positions of the particles over time, creating the appearance of a comet moving through the scene.

In conclusion, the comet effect can be easily achieved in Three.js by creating a large number of small particles and animating them to move in a specific direction. The combination of the sphere, particle system, and animation loop creates a visually striking and dynamic effect that can be used to enhance any 3D game or application.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

How to Add a Space Ship Mouse Pivot Function to a 3D Game using Three.js

In a 3D game, creating realistic movement for a space ship can greatly enhance the player's experience. One way to achieve this is by using a pivot object to control the rotation of the space ship.

A pivot object is created by instantiating a new THREE.Object3D() and setting its position to match that of the space ship. The space ship is then added as a child of the pivot object. By using the pivot object, you can control the rotation of the space ship in a more realistic way. For example, you can make the space ship rotate around its own center of mass instead of its origin, which would look more realistic when the ship is accelerating or decelerating.

The onMouseMove function is used to track the change in mouse position and update the targetShipRotationY and targetShipRotationX variables. These variables are then clamped to a specific range using the THREE.Math.clamp() function, this will limit the maximum and minimum rotation of the ship in the y and x axis.

In the render loop, the THREE.Math.lerp() function is used to smoothly interpolate the currentShipRotationY and currentShipRotationX variables from their current values to the target values. The lerpShipValue variable determines the speed of the interpolation, with a value of 0.05 resulting in a slow, smooth rotation.

By using this technique you can make the movement of the space ship more realistic, as it will rotate around its center of mass when accelerating or decelerating, and the rotation will be smooth and gradual, which will enhance the player's experience and immersion in the game. Additionally, this code snippet can be integrated with other functionalities to make your space ship move, accelerate, fire and collide with other objects in the game. You can also adjust the sensitivity of the ship's rotation by changing the value of the event.movementX and event.movementY properties and adjust the rotation speed by changing the value of lerpShipValue. Overall, using a pivot object to control the rotation of a space ship in a 3D game can greatly enhance the realism and overall gameplay experience for the player.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

How To Code A Threejs Galaxy Particle System Using HTML and JavaScript

Creating a 3D spinning galaxy using Three.js and galaxy images is a great way to add a visually stunning element to your project. Here are the steps you can follow to create your own spinning galaxy

Start by importing the necessary modules. You will need the Three.js library, as well as any additional modules you want to use, such as the OrbitControls module for camera controls.

  1. Set up your Three.js scene, camera, and renderer. The scene is where all the elements of your galaxy will be placed, the camera is used to view the scene, and the renderer is used to render the scene to the screen.
  2. Create a texture loader and set the cross-origin property to an empty string.
  3. Create a new group object which will hold all the galaxy elements.
  4. Create a new texture using the texture loader and set it to your galaxy image.
  5. Create a new material using the texture you created in step 5, and apply it to the sphere geometry.
  6. Create a new mesh using the sphere geometry and material, and add it to the group object.
  7. Set up the orbital controls for your camera. This will allow you to move and rotate the camera around the galaxy.
  8. Define the animate() function and set it to call the requestAnimationFrame() method. Within this function, rotate the group object on the z-axis and render the scene using the renderer.
  9. Finally, call the animate() function to start the animation and display the 3D spinning galaxy on the screen.

It's important to note that you can customize this code according to your needs, for example you can change the galaxy image by using different images or even videos and you can also change the rotation speed.

With these steps, you should be able to create your own 3D spinning galaxy using Three.js and galaxy images. Good luck!

HTML and JavaScript Example.  This code is all you need to run this particle system.

The code I provided earlier is an example of how to create a 3D spinning galaxy particle system using Three.js. It is important to note that along with the JavaScript code, you will also need to include the necessary HTML and CSS code to set up the webpage where the galaxy will be displayed.

It's also important to note that this example is just one way to create a 3D spinning galaxy and that you can customize it to create different types of galaxies by changing the galaxy image, adjusting the camera controls, changing the rotation speed, and much more.

You can also use this code as a starting point and build upon it to create more complex and interesting galaxy animations.

In short, the example code demonstrates how to create a 3D spinning galaxy particle system using Three.js and galaxy images, and HTML and javascript code that is necessary to display it on a webpage.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

How to add a Three.js Particle System to a 3D Game Rocket Engine with HTML and Javascrpt

Particle systems are a great way to add special visual effects to your 3D scenes, such as fire, smoke, or sparks. In this article, we will show you how to create a particle system for a rocket engine using the Three.js library.

First, you will need to create a geometry that will store the positions of the particles. This is done using the THREE.BufferGeometry object. Next, you will need to create an array of particle positions and initialize them to the origin (0, 0, 0). This is done using the Float32Array object.

Once you have the positions of the particles, you will need to add them to the buffer geometry using the addAttribute method. After that, you will need to create a material for the particles. This is done using the THREE.PointsMaterial object. The material is what gives the particles their visual appearance.

Next, you will create a particle system using the THREE.Points object. This object is what will be used to render the particle system. Finally, you will add the particle system to the scene using the add method.

Click Image for Game Site

To animate the particle system, you will need to use the requestAnimationFrame function. This function is called repeatedly to update the particle positions and render the scene.

Keep in mind that this is just an overview of the process, and you will need to have some knowledge of Three.js and programming in general to implement it in your own projects.


In this tutorial, we will be creating a particle system for a rocket exhaust using Three.js. A particle system is a technique used to simulate a variety of special visual effects like fire, smoke, and sparks.

Step 1: Create the particle geometry

First, we will create a THREE.BufferGeometry object that will be used to store the particle positions.

    let particleGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();

Step 2: Create an array of particle positions

We will create an array of particle positions and initialize them to the origin (0, 0, 0).

    // Create an array of particle positions
    var particlePositions = new Float32Array(1000 * 3);

    for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        // Set the x, y, and z coordinates for the particle
        var x = 0;
        var y = 0;
        var z = 0;
        particlePositions[i * 3 + 0] = x;
        particlePositions[i * 3 + 1] = y;
        particlePositions[i * 3 + 2] = z;

Zombie Attack Demo Game

Step 3: Add the particle positions to the buffer geometry

We will add the particle positions to the buffer geometry using the addAttribute method.

             new THREE.BufferAttribute(particlePositions, 3));

Step 4: Create a material for the particles

We will create a THREE.PointsMaterial object that will be used to render the particles.

    var particleMaterial = new THREE.PointsMaterial({
        color: 0xffffff,
        size: 0.1

Step 5: Create a particle system

We will create a THREE.Points object that will be used to render the particle system.

    var particleSystem = new THREE.Points(particleGeometry, particleMaterial);

Step 6: Add the particle system to the scene

We will add the particle system to the scene using the add method.


Step 7: Animate the particle system

We will use the requestAnimationFrame function to animate the particle system.

    function animate() {
    // Get the particle positions from the buffer geometry
    var positions = particleGeometry.attributes.position.array;

    for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {

        // Assign a random speed to the particle
        var speed = Math.random() * 0.5;

        // Move the particle in the -z direction at the random speed
        positions[i * 3 + 2] -= speed;

        //expanding on x and y axis
        positions[i * 3 + 0] += (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.08;
        positions[i * 3 + 1] += (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.08;
        // Check if the particle has reached the reset point
        if (positions[i * 3 + 2] < -2) {
            // Reset the particle back to its starting position
            positions[i * 3 + 0] = RocketObject.position.x;
            positions[i * 3 + 1] = RocketObject.position.y;
            positions[i * 3 + 2] = RocketObject.position.z;

    // Update the particle positions in the buffer geometry
    particleGeometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;
        renderer.render(scene, camera);



Quick Working Webpage Example

This code creates a particle system for a rocket engine using Three.js. It starts by defining global variables for the scene, camera, renderer, and spheres. Then it sets up the Three.js scene and camera, and creates a WebGL renderer with antialiasing and sets the size to the window's size. It also sets up orbital controls for the camera and adds event listeners for window resize, mouse click and mouse move. It creates a particle geometry and sets up an array of particle positions and then adds it to the buffer geometry. It then creates a material for the particles, creates a particle system, and adds it to the scene. The animateRocketExhaustParticles function is called to animate the particles to move in the negative Z direction while expanding on the X and Y axis and when they reach a certain distance it resets them to the starting point.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

How Can 3D Games and Apps Help Improve My Website?

Photo by DeepMind on Unsplash 

3D online games and apps can improve a website by making it more engaging, interactive, and interactive. By incorporating 3D elements, a website can provide users with a more immersive and realistic experience, which can help to increase engagement and retention. For example, a website that sells furniture could use 3D web apps to create virtual room planners and configurators, allowing customers to visualize how different furniture pieces would look in their own homes.

In terms of interactivity, 3D web apps can create interactive product demonstrations, virtual tours, and other tools that can help to increase user engagement and conversions. For example, a website that sells cars could use 3D web apps to create interactive virtual test drives, allowing customers to see and experience the car in a more realistic way.

3D web apps can also be used to create interactive data visualizations, which can make it easier for users to understand and interact with complex data. For example, a website that provides financial analysis could use 3D web apps to create interactive charts and graphs, making it easier for users to understand market trends and make better investment decisions.

In terms of customer service, 3D web apps can be used to create virtual customer service tools, which can improve customer service and support. For example, a website that sells appliances could use 3D web apps to create virtual troubleshooters, which can help customers identify and solve problems with their appliances.

Finally, 3D web apps can be used to create interactive product design tools, which can improve product development processes. For example, a website that sells clothing could use 3D web apps to create virtual fitting rooms, allowing customers to try on clothes and see how they look before making a purchase.

In summary, 3D online games and apps can improve a website by making it more engaging, interactive and interactive, which can help to increase user engagement, conversions, and customer service. 3D web apps can be used to create virtual product demonstrations, product configurators, interactive data visualizations, virtual customer service tools, and interactive product design tools, all of which can provide a more engaging, interactive and interactive experience for the users and help to increase user engagement, conversions and customer service.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

How Can an AI Assistant Help Programmers?

Play Demo Game

What's an AI Assistant?

An AI assistant like ChatGPT can improve a game programmer's performance and help generate new ideas for game development.

Here are some potential benefits of using an AI assistant:

Speed: An AI assistant can quickly search through large amounts of information and provide relevant information or code snippets, saving the programmer time and effort.
Accuracy: AI assistants are able to understand and follow precise instructions, reducing the risk of errors or mistakes in the code.

Innovation: AI assistants can provide new ideas and approaches to game development, helping programmers think outside the box and come up with unique and creative solutions. Collaboration: AI assistants can work alongside programmers, providing assistance and support as needed, which can help improve the overall efficiency and productivity of a game development team.

Overall, using an AI assistant can help game programmers save time, improve accuracy, generate new ideas, and collaborate more effectively, leading to better and more successful game development projects.

One of the main benefits of using a language model like myself is the ability to quickly generate code snippets and ideas for game development. For example, if you need to implement a certain gameplay mechanic or feature, you can simply describe the idea to me and I can suggest various ways to implement it in code. This can save a lot of time and effort for game programmers, as they don't have to spend hours researching and trial-and-error coding to figure out the best solution.

Another advantage of using a language model is the ability to get feedback and suggestions on your existing code. If you are stuck on a certain problem or want to know if there is a better way to implement something, you can simply show me your code and I can suggest improvements or alternatives. This can help game programmers to write more efficient and effective code, and can also help them to learn new techniques and approaches to game development.

Overall, using a language model like myself can greatly improve a game programmer's performance by providing quick and accurate code snippets, ideas, and feedback. It can save time and effort, and help game programmers to develop better and more innovative game

Friday, January 6, 2023

Generate GLSL Code with (ChatGPT OpenAI) & (ThreeJS) for Fragment Shaders ( Part 3 )

This video demonstrates how GPT-3 could potentially be used as part of a system that generates code, such as by providing suggestions or completing partial code snippets based on a given prompt or context. This would require the development of a custom application or integration that leverages the capabilities of GPT-3, as well as some additional logic to ensure that the generated code is syntactically correct and follows the appropriate conventions and standards.

ThreeJS Code Generated With the Help of ChatGPT

To use GPT-3 for code generation, you would need to provide it with a large dataset of example code and descriptions of the tasks or features you want to implement. The model would then analyze this data and learn patterns and structures that are commonly used in code, which it could use to generate new code based on the input provided.

One potential application of GPT-3 for code generation in the context of Three.js could be to create shaders for use in WebGL rendering. GLSL is a high-level shading language that is used to program the graphics processing unit (GPU) in order to achieve real-time rendering of 3D graphics. Three.js is a JavaScript library that simplifies the process of working with WebGL and makes it easier to create interactive 3D graphics in the browser.

To generate GLSL code for use in Three.js with GPT-3, you could provide the model with examples of shaders that achieve specific visual effects or that implement particular features, such as lighting, texturing, or post-processing. You could also provide it with descriptions of the desired behavior or appearance of the shader, and it could generate code that satisfies these requirements.

Keep in mind that using GPT-3 or any other machine learning model for code generation is likely to be an advanced and time-consuming task that requires a deep understanding of the relevant technologies and programming languages. It may not always be the most practical or efficient solution, and it may be more appropriate to use other tools or approaches depending on your specific needs and goals.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Generate Code Automatically for 3D Games Using ChatGPT OpenAI & THREEJS ( PART 2 )

How Can ThreeJS and ChatGPT OpenAI Benefit Software Engineers Developing 3D Games?

ThreeJS is a JavaScript library that allows developers to create and display 3D content on the web, while ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence model that can be used to generate human-like text. These two technologies can be used together to benefit software engineers developing 3D content and games in a number of ways:

With ChatGPT, you can generate code based on a description of what you want to accomplish. Whether you're creating 3D games or other types of software, ChatGPT can save you time and effort by generating code for you. And because it is highly accurate and constantly learning, the code it generates is of high quality and will only improve over time.

ThreeJS Code Generated With the Help of ChatGPT
The above code is Three.js JavaScript and HTMLthat generates a 3D scene with 100 animated spheres. The scene has a perspective camera, an orbital control, and a WebGL renderer with gamma correction and shadows enabled. The spheres are created using a sphere geometry and a random color material, and are given a random velocity vector. The scene also has a spotlight and an ambient light. The grid helper is used to visualize the grid on the floor. The animate function is called in a requestAnimationFrame loop to update the control and move the spheres, and also to check for boundaries and change the direction of the spheres if necessary. Finally, the renderer is used to render the scene.

Below Video is a Demo of a ThreeJS Multiplayer Robot Battle Game Being Developed By Shane Brumback at Interactive UIUX using ThreeJS and Amazon Web Services with help from AI services like ChatGPT

Another advantage of using ChatGPT is that it is especially useful for beginners who may not yet have the experience or knowledge to spot and fix errors in their code. With ChatGPT, you can trust the code it generates and spend less time debugging.

So if you're looking to learn how to code 3D games with Three.js, consider using ChatGPT to help you get up to speed faster. It's a powerful tool that can save you time and effort, and help you create high-quality 3D apps and games that are both engaging and efficient.

Here are 10 reasons why you should take advantage of ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence

  1. Three.js is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to create 3D graphics in the browser. It provides a simple API for creating and manipulating 3D objects, as well as a range of built-in features such as lighting, materials, and cameras.
  2. Three.js is open source, which means that you can use it for free and contribute to the project if you want to. This makes it a great option for developers who are working on a budget.
  3. ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can generate code for you based on a description of what you want to achieve. It can be used to create 3D apps and games, as well as many other types of software.
  4. Using ChatGPT can save you a lot of time and effort when it comes to coding. You can simply describe what you want the code to do, and ChatGPT will generate it for you.
  5. ChatGPT is highly accurate and can generate code that is almost indistinguishable from code written by a human. This means you can trust the code it generates, and you won't need to spend as much time debugging it.
  6. ChatGPT is constantly learning and improving, so over time it will become even more accurate and efficient at generating code.
  7. Three.js and ChatGPT can be used together to create 3D apps and games that are more complex and sophisticated than what you could build on your own.
  8. Using Three.js and ChatGPT allows you to create 3D apps and games that are interactive and immersive, which can be a great way to engage users.
  9. Three.js and ChatGPT can be used to create 3D apps and games that run smoothly and efficiently, even on devices with limited processing power.
  10. Three.js and ChatGPT can be used to create 3D apps and games that are compatible with a wide range of devices and platforms, including desktop computers, mobile devices, and virtual reality headsets.

AI ChatGPT and ThreeJS for 3D Apps and Games

How to Program a Shotgun Blast Effect Using Threejs in a 3D Game

This code is a part of a 3D zombie attack game and implements a shotgun blast effect using the Three.js library. It was deve...